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Hello and welcome!

  We are Philip & Sandrine

Welcome to Inner Evolution Yoga! We are on a journey to share our passion for Yoga, Meditation, Thai Yoga Massage,  and Stress Reduction tactics that work in todays busy fast paced world.  You can start taking classes with us right now through our online class offerings or try and catch us at an event or location near you.   Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay informed on our latest discoveries and tips!

Start my online classes now
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Let's Grow Together

We need to take care of ourselves so that we can then take care of each other. We love teaching everything from breathing to standing on your head. We really believe that when we work on taking care of ourselves, we help everyone around us by being our best possible.  There's a lot to discuss, let's start this beautiful journey together!

"Philip is a gifted teacher who makes me feel successful and accomplished every time I work with him. I would tell everyone who wants to take their practice deeper to learn with him."

-Sara Huges
Start practicing with Philip

Sandrines knowledge playfulness and desire to help you grow are just a few of the traits that separate her as a master teacher. 

-Jenny K. RYT 500

Take classes with Sandrine
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L O C A L  C L A S S E S 

Where you can find me to take some of my group classes in Southern California.

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W O R K S H O P S 

Let us learn together!  Workshops give you the chance to hone in and learn on a subject matter.

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R E T R E A T S 

Get  away, take a breath, reset and let me help take better care of you!

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T H A I   Y O G A

  • Relax the body
  •           Recharge the spirit   
  •    Renew the mind

Your best possible life awaits

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